Saturday, May 30, 2009

Got up late today . .

not my real salad :)

Not that that's unusual on the weekend. Ate peanut butter and (a little) jelly on whole wheat toast (with big sticks and stones) for breakfast with my tea. Ate some fresh cherries YUM later on and dinner had me eating a huge salad with raw broccoli, cauliflower, carrots, eggs and chicken - oh yeah - lettuce. Used low-fat ranch dressing because I am crazy about ranch dressing all of a sudden. I know it would have been healthier if I had used a vinaigrette or something, but I did enjoy the ranch.

I still need to drink more water - it's just SO boring! But I'm trying. I suppose that's what healthy food IS to me. Boring. I'm used to high fat, high flavor foods I guess. But - I'm working on eating more things that are not processed or "fast". For somebody like me who has eaten badly for damn near 50 years, this is a huge adjustment. And apparently I am moving toward a healthier lifestyle kicking and screaming all the way.

At what point will I grow up, I wonder?


Cynthia said...

It sounds to me like you are doing great. At this stage of my life, I feel if I can just choose to do a little bit better today than I did yesterday, I'm doing well...and if I don't well I get to choose again tomorrow.

Thanks for visiting my blog and leaving all your wonderful comments. I really appreciate it and enjoy them.

Cynthia said...

I'm passing it along...You've been "tagged" - come by to see how to play.

Tricia McWhorter said...

You hate water too? I thought I was the only one. If it makes you feel any better, I'm fat and sixty, so you've got a huge head start on me!

I tried to follow you on a Bead a Day but the update link never seemed to work. I'll try this one.