Thursday, May 7, 2009

Have a little cheese with that whine??

Don't mind if I do, actually! I love cheese. Especially melted gooey cheese. Mmm-m-m.

I am frustrated. I was looking at pictures of entertainers, specifically women entertainers after babies. 2 babies, 3? No matter. Flat stomachs, no stretch marks, still sexy and beautiful. And they will say but oh - they work at it! Well yeah. I imagine they work out. With personal trainers and such. But they also have good genes. You cannot tell me that somebody like Angelina Jolie has trouble losing the weight after her babies. I mean - you can tell me that, but I'll call you a liar as quick as look at you.

These women are thin to begin with. What they work at is toning that thinness. I would settle for the thinness. Natural thinness. Never had it. Well, unless you're counting until I was about 8 years old. After that - never naturally thin. That's not to say I was never thin - but it was never natural and it was never lasting.

You have people who want to get in shape so they start running. Start off slow, doing a bit more every week. In a year they are running marathons. That wouldn't happen to me. If there were someone to make me do it every day, I would still never achieve a marathon. I MIGHT get up to a mile without stopping. Maybe. If somebody was pushing me to try every day. But I'm just not athletic. And I'm not buying it that anybody can be athletic.

I remember as a kid, noticing the differences between my body and my best friend Cindy's body. Mine was always rounder and softer and less defined. We were kids - we played outside, we ran and roller skated and played games. We did the same things. But physically - she was always more able than I was. More talented, more coordinated. She had an athletic build.

It used to be that we accepted those differences in people. We understood that no, not everyone can do ANYthing. It's simply not true. But now we say - if you work at it hard enough, you can run a marathon. Anyone can as long as there is no disability. So when that is the belief - conversely - if you can't run a marathon (wear a bikini, have a flat stomach . . .) you just aren't trying hard enough.

It's no wonder that after eating salads and making better food choices for months seems to make no difference - I comfort myself with Taco Bell. The thought process at that point is - well I don't lose weight eating good - why NOT just eat crap? Doesn't matter one way or another anyway!

I know. I know. It's not going to make a difference if I don't get my metabolism going. With Exercise. But it's so HARD to exercise when you're fat. And you know what else? I am whining about it and I don't care who thinks it's pathetic or that I'm lazy or whatever. I'm just so worn out from trying.

Doesn't mean I'll give up but for today - I just want to cry
about it.


Mrs. Jelly Belly said...

Hey, we're all entitled to a little Taco Bell comfort every now and then. It doesn't make us bad people, right? Sometimes we just need the break.

You are absolutely right when you say some people are just not ever going to be "stylishly" thin. Or athletic. I can be thin...but at my age maintaining it means a pretty strict 1200 calories per day regimen - and, really, who wants to live like that indefinitely? So I do the best I can 90% of the time and don't beat myself up over the other 10%.

Hang in there - tomorrow's another day...

Dawna said...

I speak from experience. In my life, I have been underweight and overweight. From age 11 up into my mid 20's, I had anorexia, I didn't fight it, I enjoyed being that skinny. Later, things became more important that my size and I just sort of "grew out of it", pardon the pun.At times, I have had the "perfect body. Other times, I have been "fat".
At some point, I finally realized that happiness had nothing to do with my weight, Whenever I got my life and my brain in shape, my body followed suit.
Restricting yourself and then beating yourself up when you have a taco, is not the answer. All that guilt will do horrible things to your self esteem. Include some of the foods you love in your diet, then you aren't breaking any rules...

Cynthia said...

I know just what you mean Bette Jo. I have been trying to focus on being happier - knowing that when I am happy, I naturally make better decisions for myself. However I am planning a trip to Paris in Sept. and from what I hear they really look down on overweight Americans. It's making me pretty obsessed again.

So I am going to go dance around my kitchen for 30 minutes today. That always helps my mood and my body. And tomorrow I am going to dance another 30 minutes. Want to join me?

Cynthia said...

Hey again BetteJo.

So...I went ahead and danced my 30 minutes.

My mood before = 5 (Okay - Leaning Slightly Towards Unhappy), my mood after dancing = 7 (Feeling Pretty Happy).

If you are tired after work JUST PUSH PLAY and dance for 5 minutes. Even 5 minutes makes a difference. (click link below to see what I mean by JUST PUSH PLAY).

slippingthroughtheworld said...

what you really need to do bettejo, once you set the new eating regime in place is forget all about food and just eat the stuff you've bought, exercise the minutes demanded and set about the rest of your time with delight. no pressure just a routine that will become invisible. i'm giving this advice from my sofa of course, so it's great advice! i need to take it myself. :(