Saturday, April 18, 2009

How on earth .. ?

Cat puke. There is way more of it in my life than I am happy with. There were spots on the carpet where after I cleaned it up and the rug dried - there was still a stain. So today I knew I needed to clean those spots in the full light of day. I got a bucket and a sponge and mixed up a magical brew and started scrubbing. 15 minutes later I had effectively (I hope) cleaned about 7 different stains. I proceeded to get a roll of paper towels and throw wads on the wet spots and step on them until I got most of the moisture up. Almost used a whole roll! And of course my cat puked again while I was at it, but that's another story.

In all the process of getting the bucket, scrubbing, drying, and putting the bucket away and everything took MAYBE 25 minutes total. And that's giving myself the benefit of the doubt, it was probably less time than that. When I was walking out of the kitchen with the task complete - I was red in the face and my heart was pounding. From scrubbing spots on the rug. I'm beginning to think I may just up and have a heart attack if I suddenly start exercising one day!

As usual I have to ask myself how I let it get this way. What the hell??

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