When it arrived I was able to assemble it myself, even though the pictures and instructions weren't the greatest. I mean really, assembling exercise equipment is not my forte. But I was able to do it - and I was happy about that. The worst part - trying to get the wire for the time clock thingy from the bottom of the stand through to the top and out a hole the size of a dime. That was hard but again, I did it.
Trying it out - I was very happy. It's actually quite versatile. You can step up and down as if the steps are only 2 inches high, or take the full size steps. You can point your toes straight ahead, to the center - or outward. You can go fast or slow. And I like it!
When I was exercising a lot back in the (omg) 80's - I had a treadmill, an exercise bike and a stepper. The treadmill died, the bike broke down and went out with the trash, and the stepper is still out in the garage. I loved that thing. But it's HUGE! I have a new treadmill, don't really want a bike, and now I have this little stepper which is light enough for me to pick up and move around the room - or from room to room if I want to. I have my yoga DVDs and I think I am pretty happy with my stuff now.
Apparently I am not able to just do one thing day after day after day. When I lost a bunch of weight by walking A LOT - it was because I was fueled by a lot of emotional turmoil. That doesn't exist now. I wish I had something pushing me that hard - but not that. So I think I may have found my niche.
We will see. Of course any of it requires me to get my butt off the couch. Follow through. So again, we will see.