Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Just been floating . . .

Haven't been paying attention to my weight, or at least - trying not to. Just trying to eat better (except for today, ahem). Trying very hard to continue my trend toward reaching for the healthy choices as opposed to the high fat and high sugar foods I have always eaten.

I tell you what, when I don't eat well anymore, I pay for it. Let me put it delicately - my GI tract doesn't welcome back the foods I have eaten for years. It rejects them. Vehemently. It's pretty amazing how things like IBS, which I have suffered from since I was a teenager, can be controlled to a great extent by eating healthy and natural foods! I can't believe I'm saying this. It sounds like someone else speaking. Again, it's a mindset.

But as I mentioned - today I didn't follow my own advice. It was spa day (I say that like it's a regular thing! It's not!) and my daughter and I spent the afternoon getting manicures and pedicures and pampering ourselves. When we came home she was running out the door so I decided if we weren't going to have time to go to dinner too - (not said with a pout even if it sounds like it) I would still indulge and ordered some Chinese food. Mm-m-m-m ..... How my belly reacts tomorrow remains to be seen!

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