Friday, June 12, 2009

Acupuncture, maybe?

While sitting at my desk at work going along with my usual business, I realized I was looking forward to eating my lunch. I found myself looking at the clock to see what time it was, if it was too early or if I could eat yet.

Then I realized, I wasn't hungry.

That didn't totally startle me but it did upset me a bit when I also realized I was craving something. I wasn't sure what it was but there was a craving that my mind was leading to my lunch to fulfill.

I wanted a cigarette.

Is it possible that after 6 or 7 years I still may be craving cigarettes? I know I smoked for a long time, and when someone is smoking near me sometimes I don't mind it at all - dare I say - it smells good to me? It's already been established pretty definitely that I am an emotional eater. I reward myself for good things with food. I console myself for bad things, with food. If I'm bored, food is my friend. But cigarettes? I have not consciously recognized a craving for a cigarette in a long time.

Geez, I think I'm going to have to get my head shrunk to lose weight! But no, then I'll just be a fat girl with a tiny head! Not the look I'm going for.

Just more stuff to think about.

** spunkysuzi - not sure why you are having trouble adding to your reader, I DO notice that the feeds symbol is not up in the address bar like it is for my other blogs, but I can't seem to figure it out. I'm really persistent about figuring things out so I am still looking at it. :)
Still - you should be able to add my feed to your google reader manually - hope it works!

Feed URL:


Herbalife Las Vegas said...

Awh, I love that cartoon, awesome!

Emmett said...

Nice blog by the way!

WWSuzi said...

Got it this time :)