First I did some Wii sports, a bit of tennis and bowling, and then on to the Wii fit. The stepping was funny, they have these little Mii characters as if we're all in a step aerobics class together and you can follow them - or the foot-print diagram that scrolls down the center of the screen. I found I could not do it at ALL if I tried to follow the foot-prints. But when I watched the Mii on the right I did pretty well. I did better front to back than side to side. It was fun, I was laughing at myself and I did it several times. The

If I keep eating the way I have been, and actually do some Wii and maybe some walking besides, I just might be able to pull this off. Slowly. You don't keep it off if you lose it too fast so my plan is to concentrate more on what I am doing for my health with diet and exercise, and have the weight loss be the lovely side-effect. BONUS! Just trying to change the mind-set again. It's all about my brain. I always thought it was all about the food, all about the exercise. It's all about my brain.
I must retrain the brain!