Friday, March 11, 2011

Little update ..

Had to go back for more torture today, I knew Scott would be the guy.  Before I went I was debating, hemming and hawing, just really didn't want to go.  I thought of several reasons to cancel but the real reason would have been that I did not want to spend another hour with Scott.

But I went.

And it was okay.  I didn't mention what happened yesterday, he didn't mention it, we talked while I walked on the treadmill and learned a little about each other.  He's not an awful person, but I said yesterday that I didn't think he was.  The boundaries have been set, I will respect the knowledge he has about fitness and getting the most out of my exercise, and he will respect my prickly crazy sensitivity.

Yup.  I feel a little stupid today.  I'm not saying my feelings yesterday were not valid, I'm just thinking I could have counted to 10 before I reacted.  That's all.

Now, after spending 2 days in a row with Scott, every muscle in my body hurts.  I am going to take some Ibuprofen, run a hot bath and soak.  Early to bed for me.  Guess that means he really knows his stuff, huh?  Ugh, it hurts to admit that.  Sigh-h-h ...

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