Monday, February 14, 2011

Another step ..

Saw my primary care physician today, brought him chocolate as a bribe because it's Valentine's Day.  He's a bit of a chocoholic, or so I understand.  I had spoken to his nurse a week ago and she said "Well .. talk to him.  He doesn't usually do diets."  She said it like I was asking him to monitor my body piercing spree.  So I came prepared today.  Chocolate because it is a legitimate gift on a recognized holiday, and paperwork from my surgeon's office explaining what was required.

A little voice in the back of my head was remembering when my therapist (yes I've done that too) sent me to him asking for an anti-depressant and hearing him say "I'm not going to be any one's prescription pad."  So he proceeded to question me for a couple of minutes to find out why my therapist thought I needed meds, and when I burst into tears in the middle of it he was all ..okay I'll give you the drugs!

Mmm.. Toblerone
Today, he saw the chocolate, looked over the paperwork and said sure, we can do this!  WHEW!!!

After making 5 consecutive future appointments I was on my way out when one of the ladies in the office asked what I was having done.  I told her and she said "Oh I wanted to do that!  I signed up for a seminar but I didn't go."  She asked me how you get approved and when I told her about the sleep study, the psychologist, the diet .. she said "Nah!  Too much work!"  and dismissed the idea completely.  Which is fine, I'm not about talking people into doing this too.  But my thought was - she doesn't want it badly enough, cause even fat girls will jump through hoops when they really want something.


Anonymous said...

I so wish you luck with this. My problems are different but I know how that waking up as tired as when I went to bed feels and fixing that alone would make a world of difference. I have my fingers crossed for you.

BetteJo said...

Thanks Tonya. Wouldn't it be nice if being thin would solve all of my problems? Unfortunately it doesn't work that way but there are a number if things it will address for me. Excited about it.