For the record, I am shocked at how little I could actually do.
The stick figure girl's name is Mercedes. Her job is to help me learn how to exercise and how to do it properly, and to get me to start moving again. I mean honestly, I'm fifty-freaking-one years old, I KNOW how to exercise. It's just that I have gotten too fat to do it comfortably or to do it without feeling like I'm gonna die!

Anyway, she did horrible things to me like made me stand on one foot for 30 seconds! And she made me do it on the other foot too! Then she gave me something squishy to stand on and I had to stand on it on one foot again - for 30 seconds, and then the other foot too! The horror! From there - there was an even squishier thing to stand on .. and oh .. I need to sit down.
So she concentrated on my legs, my thigh muscles, the one's that do most of the weight bearing. Well - I'm walking around (sometimes) aren't I?? Sheesh! After some squats (I know, right??!) and a bunch of lunges she directed me to the treadmill. By then my face was bright red, I was out of breath and as the treadmill (on the lowest possible speed already) monitored my heart rate, SLOW DOWN kept scrolling across the read-out. Mercedes asked me more than once, "do you have any heart problems?"
Yeah, not starting out well, this moving thing. Hafta keep going ...
**Oh, that little girl who does not need to exercise herself - Mercedes? She may actually be a nice young girl who is doing her job effectively. Then again, she may really want to kill me.