Saturday, January 22, 2011

There's an app for that!

On my main blog I wrote about doing a sleep study soon.  It's required before you can have weight loss surgery and I really do think it's cool.  But since I had to go off Ambien because it heightened my shopping proclivities, ahem, I wake up every day feeling like I haven't slept at all.

So me being me, I had to find out on my own.  There's an app for that!  It's pretty cool, you can set it to start recording right away or a couple of hours after you go to sleep.  It is sound activated so it doesn't just record for hours and hours even when nothing is going on.  I've tried it a couple of times and well ... I have no idea what I'm listening to.

I trained myself as a teenager to breathe through my nose when I'm sleeping.  It had to do with napping with my boyfriend and not wanting to drool on his shoulder or chest.  I'm sure I don't succeed all the time but from the way it sounds - I do - most of the time.  And I snore through my nose.  It sounds like it's hard to breathe, it reminds me of how my mom would breathe when she was having a breathing episode, like someone with emphysema or asthma.  It's a little like a goose quietly honking in his sleep.  Attractive, huh?

But I have no idea whether or not what I'm hearing is normal or not.  Self diagnosis is apparently not my strong suit and God knows I am not rooting for a Cpap machine.  On the other hand if I do have sleep apnea, it would help me be approved for weight loss surgery.  It's not something you can fake and it's not something I can know on my own.

But if I do have sleep apnea, and weight loss surgery helps me get a good night's sleep - BONUS!!!  And a BIG bonus at that.  I would love to know what it feels like to wake up energized or at least - rested.  I guess I'll find out.

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