Friday, March 27, 2009

Another day, another diet.

Sometimes I think that I start a new diet, always on Monday, just so I can eat pizza and ice cream and donuts all weekend before I start. Just sayin'.

I cannot figure out why nothing works for me these days. Or more accurately - why I can't do any of it. I know what I should eat. I know I should exercise. But more and more I have to admit that food is my comfort. And oh how comforting it is. I come home from work and look around at this craphole I live in and hate - and start to think about what I want to eat. And I don't want freaking carrot sticks, I want something YUMMY.

Is it because I'm not married - not in a forever, full time relationship? I don't think so. I mean, I suppose I could be lying to myself but I have grown so set in my ways I do not think there is a man out there I would be willing to share my space with on a full time basis. My old boyfriend and I used to joke about some day buying adjoining townhouses with a door between. And the door would have a screen door as well as a full door. He was someone who wanted people around ALL the time. Me? Not so much. I have cats. He was a neat freak. We were different. So we could have the big door open and the screen door keeping the cats out of his side, but it would be friendly and inviting. We could sleep over at each other's places if we wanted - or not talk all day if we didn't feel like it. He was a morning person. I wasn't. Separate but equal.

I might, MIGHT be able to go for a deal like that. But I'm not looking for any takers.

Anyway. So Monday I'm going to start Slimfast. I've done it in the past, it's non threatening and very flexible. I've got some bottles with caps I can put it in and bring in to work. Bagel for breakfast, a small salad and Slimfast for lunch, and a Slimfast for dinner with maybe an orange or something.

Gotta try something. I'm getting very close to looking like a Budha right now, and very very close to 50. Gads.

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