Sunday, September 6, 2009

I didn't just fall off the wagon . .

. . I let it run over me too! I'm talking eating well all day long at work because I pack my lunch and make sure I have a healthy snack for mid-morning, a healthy lunch, and a healthy snack for mid-afternoon. But then coming home from work and eating something ba-a-a-a-a-d which in my mind equals yummy!

I'm talking pizza, enchiladas, hamburgers, Chinese food, and basically anything else I want! And you know what? I haven't gained any weight. I know, right? I'm going to repeat that. I HAVEN'T GAINED ANY WEIGHT.

So what does this say to someone like me? My brain says - well hell - it's not hurting me, why eat all this food with no fat and no sugar and no yummy when I can stay the same weight eating all that bad (GOOD!!!) stuff??

Ugh. I have to stop it. I need to listen to my freaking brain and do what I know is good for me because even if I haven't gained any weight, I very well could be gaining plaque in my arteries, and pushing my glucose up again, etc. So I have to commit to exercise. I know I keep saying this but it is the hardest thing for me.

An hour a day. Even if I do it in 10 minute increments during the day. I have to make the promise to myself and just do it.

Sometimes I feel like I am the only person out here who whines about not being able to do this! I read blogs belonging to women who set their minds to changing their lifestyle and they do it. They write about HOW they did it, give tips and tell what they are doing to maintain their healthy changes. I haven't run across too many places where somebody writes about falling face first into a buttercream frosted cake and feeling like a loser. Maybe because it's a drag to read about and certainly not inspiring for anyone else. Blech.

Okay. Well, an hour a day. Exercise of some type, whether it's playing Wii tennis, climbing on my mini-stepper, going for a walk or (hat-tip to Cynthia) dancing in my kitchen. I'm the only one who can do it, right? Yeah, I know.

** Added - or over 10,000 steps - if I can just remember to grab my pedometer.


Anonymous said...

Girl you are so not alone! If I make 5 minutes on the treadmill I am excited. And that is only one time a day. I sometimes think that I will just have to accept my fate, whatever it may be, cause I have NO willpower what so ever. So hang in and know you are not alone. There are lots of us out here.

Cynthia said...

Oh I am so with you. I do really well for awhile...dancing every day...eating healthy and then it's like I completely lose it. I do everything bad for me and little that's good.

I have been doing great with Sugarless Tuesdays and Flourless Thursdays. But, can you imagine the stuff I eat on Wednesday? I am beginning to think of Wednesdays as Ice Cream and Chocolate Wednesdays.

Hang in there...every day we get to begin again. (That's Tricia's wisdom by the way) Tomorrow morning I am dancing in my kitchen!

whymommy said...

How are you doing? I love this about dancing in the kitchen.

I totally need to dance more.