Thank goodness I didn't have to be posting a lot to be given an award, or I wouldn't have even been considered. But it is the Dragon Loyalty Award - how cool is that?!! Tricia at
Thought Threads gave to it me, for being someone who stops by her blog and regularly butchers the English language in her comments. :)

It is true though, I find blogs and tend to stick with them. Even when I go MIA for a while I generally turn up and start commenting again. I don't even think of it as loyalty really. I go where I like reading what people write so if you think about it - I'm getting an award for selfishly pursuing enjoyment. But hell, award away! Thanks Tricia!
And now for the serious part where Price Waterhouse suits come onstage and give all the rules of fairness and what-have-you.
1) If you have a blog, post it on your blog with a link back to the site who gave it to you;
2) Leave them a comment on their site, email, etc. to let them know;
3) If you don't have a blog but have a website, Facebook, MySpace, Twitter or other type account, post there with a link back;
4) Pass this on to 3-10 loyal fans. YOU GOT IT!
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Now this is where the little guy with the hat pulled down over his eyes and the cigarette hanging out of his mouth says "psssssst!" Me - wide-eyed "what?" "C'mere, you can cheat y'know. Think about it." And he sidles away around a corner, and gone.
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There really aren't that many people who read this blog. I haven't been posting very often lately because I think I'm having a bit of a 'mother coming to visit' breakdown involving scads of Halloween candy my son keeps bringing home. So I'm not going to name anyone. I will just say that I am grateful for anyone who comes and visits so please accept my thanks and feel free to take the award. I bestow it. :) Enjoy!
Thanks again, Tricia! Very sweet!!