It's March! I haven't been here, have I? Hmmm. I needed to stop freaking out about food and try to sort out what affected my glucose numbers and what didn't. I guess I've learned I can compromise some.
I had a cannoli tonight. Without guilt and not as an act of rebellion. If I'm eating enough veggies and fiber, I allow myself something special like a cannoli oh, and pizza. It's smaller changes that are helping.
Not putting sugar in my tea.
Drinking green tea.
Drinking no pop with sugar,
Having no candy bars or boxes of Good n' Plenty I love to get when I stop at Walgreen's.
When I DO eat pizza I get the thinnest crust I can.
When I eat bread I make sure it has extra sticks and stones in it.
Eating tuna salad or egg salad without the bread.
If I have sugar free cookies or chocolate I really eat small portions because there are carbs. But it gives me a sweet treat now and then.

There is a refrigerated pudding - not sure which one - but it is sugar free Dulce e de Leche pudding and it is awesome.
If I eat pasta, it's whole wheat. I eat fiber bars and pour fiber into my Crystal Light, which I LOVE.
I try to balance the carbs with the veggies and stuff.

acking my lunch every day is good because it's strictly what I pack - no trips to the machines in the lunch room.
And with foods I might want to eat too much off - like pasta or pizza - I eat it on a small plate and then make myself wait about 10 minutes before I go back for another portion. It helps.
It's getting to be a way of life I guess. I don't feel entirely deprived, I still have a real piece of dark chocolate now and then, but only a nugget size, not a whole candy bar. And on my daughter's birthday I had pineapple upside down cake I had made and IT. WAS. AWESOME.

So I'm learning the hard way, the way I learn everything else.
7 pounds in 3 months? Wow, pretty slow. But - it's one foot in front of the other right?